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PC Weather Machine

An integrated virtual Weather Station


"An integrated virtual Weather Station"
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Integrated virtual Weather Station meteorological information than most weather modules that offer more. Latest weather information Top PC Weather Machine, meteorological conditions, weather maps and sites for displaying the desired location provides hold. This weather information can be used worldwide and is accessed on the Internet free of charge.
The main module displays five dial gauges - Barometer, Thermometer, Hygrometer, anemometer and Weathervane - where you want the current weather conditions for the shows. This current value, minimum and maximum values registered, and the pointer movement - Trend screen indicators - in the last 24 hours. Anemometer and thermometer show wind speed and dew point temperature of Ani, a second marker, respectively. Metric or U.S. measurements and scales in the temperature range to cover the thermometer scale can be adjusted to be shown to be followed.
Trend for the last 24 hours five graphs: Air pressure, temperature, humidity, wind direction and wind Speed drawn. Scales can be displayed in Metric or U.S. measurements. The color of the main module can be adjusted to lick.
Site Setup Wizard Maps Viewer and Internet weather forecast sites on a short list of weather stations, weather maps, including the PC Weather Machine never, settings viewer. Help how to setup and use PC Weather Machine offers a precise and clear instructions.
Maps Viewer displays eight full-color weather images showing the meteorological conditions, forecasts, satellite images, radar images and weather maps for an area. We want to track web links to adjust the picture. These images can be printed and copies will be saved.
Sites for an area Viewer two different web pages showing your favorite weather forecasts from a web browser allows you to start without having to switch. Now you can free Download PC Weather Machine 1.2.3.

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